Carolina Pereira
Carolina Pereira
Carolina Pereira
Carolina Pereira
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Flier for Carolina Pereira's solo show Fuzzy Memories at Povos Gallery in Chicago, IL, June-July 2023
"Time Will Tell" by Carolina Pereira, an embrace of tufted wool and neon featuring illustrated shapes of tropical trees and a human shape falling through the ground.
"Recurring Dream" by Carolina Pereira, a tufted wool illustration of overlapping staircases leading nowhere but up. Or down.
"Recurring Dream" by Carolina Pereira, a neon work of three overlapping staircases in blue, yellow, and red.
"Recollection" by Carolina Pereira, an assembly of glass blocks with curly red neon tubes to be viewed through them, distorted and refracted by the texture of the glass.
"How it Felt" by Carolina Pereira, a tufted wool illustration closely resembling "Time Will Tell" and connecting to it narratively.
"Lotus Pond" by Carolina Pereira, a depiction of green lotus pads in tufted wool, pierced by a green bar of neon.
"Disguised Wish" by Carolina Pereira, a marriage of neon and tufted wool, deep blue with vibrant red and piercing black, neon loop.
"Curls and Mental Loops" by Carolina Pereira, an intertwining of black-and-white tufted wool and curly red neon.
"Recollection" by Carolina Pereira, an assembly of glass blocks with a curved green, blue, and pink neon tube to be viewed through them, distorted and refracted by the texture of the glass.
"Insomnia" by Carolina Pereira, a tufted wool piece, with a large black shape blasted through by a fluorescent curve.
"The Lightning Keeps Hitting Me. Repeatedly." by Carolina Pereira. A dancing bolt of neon lightning streaks across an absurdly shaped mirror, embedded in black and white tufted wool.
Till the Last Drop, neon by Carolina Pereira

Carolina Pereira

Yo! Hi there.

My name is Carolina Pereira de Almeida. I am a Brazilian multi-disciplinary artist and graphic designer whose works explore the interplay of memories, dreams, and the unconscious. Through abstract compositions and my use of textures, colors, and light, I capture the fragmented and elusive nature of these inner worlds.

I am drawn to the contrasting mediums of rug tufting and neon bending, each offering unique qualities. The rug's gentle softness contrasts the coldness and rigidity of the glass, evoking a harmonious blend of comfort and warmth with vibrant bursts of color and texture that stir feelings of nostalgia.


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instagram: @carolinapereiraa
